Friday, January 25, 2013

Woof.  Hi Sugar the Weather Dog again.  I just got here, cause I've been waiting for Jack to go back to bed.  Now that I am sleeping next to the bed, I have to wait for him to be sound asleep before I get up, and if you knew Jack like I do, you'd know that he rarely, if ever, sleeps soundly.  I think he thinks too much.  Wow, did I just come up with an idea?  I dunno, hopefully somebody out there does.

I bugged Mary enough this morning so that she took me out so that she and Jack could be taken for walk.  If I didn't force the issue, they'd always stay in side, at least when the weather gets cold and windy.  A dog's work is never done, or something like that.  I like walking a lot, but when it gets too cold and windy for even me, I have to suck it up and get them out.  Sometimes only Jack will go, but I do my best.

Jack and I had a nice walk, until we were nearing home.  We were coming back up that big street that goes through town and I stepped into something that burned my paw, a  lot.  Jack tried to wipe my paw, he's like that, but it didn't help.  So, fine human my pawferred human is, he picked me up and carried me for a short distance.  I hope he didn't hurt himself, but my paw was really barking.  I know that my humans got boots for me last year, and I fight them when they put them on me, but they sure do keep my paws dry and out of that stuff that that burns my paws.

Not much more this early morning.  I think Jack did something to fix the heater, cause it is warmer in here now.  I knew he'd think of something, he always does.  Did I mention that my pawferred human is one of the smartest humans I've ever known.  Plus, when he has me working as his sou chef, he is generous to a fault.  Hey, how could he resist me, his pawferred Corgle.  That's just one of my names.  I also know that I am she, her, baby, silly dog, cutest dog on the planet, etc.  The list goes on and on.  I mostly don't understand what humans are saying, but I know what I know and I am especially sensitive to emotions.  Have I mentioned that before?

Oh well, time to get back to the second most important thing in a dog's life.  Once I get that out of the way, I can get to the most important thing.  Woof.

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