Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Good morning GH.  I like that phrase that Jack uses.  I guess that I like most things he does.  I mean, I like what Mary does too, but you know, Jack is the "Pawferred Human."  We all went walking yesterday in the AM.  We walked through Central Park and Mary and Jack seemed to be happy that Public Works had marked that tree that they are worried about with a big black X.  I guess that's good, but I've never really been afraid of trees.  After all, dogs like me often leave messages at the base of trees, so what's not to like.  Anyway, we walked down town, and I just had to check at the stationery store to see if that nice guy was there with another biscuit, but alas, he wasn't there.  Didn't he know I was coming?  Oh well, maybe next time.  Otherwise, Mary allowed me to be fed early, before she and Jack went out for the evening.  I don't like it much when Mary says, "She can wait."  Sure I can, but I don't like to and why should I?  She seems to think that I know what minutes and hours are.  I mean I know when dinnertime is, but I really don't know much else about time.  Anyway, they got back later, I got my evening biscuits, and
then, it was time for laying about in the media room and hoping for more treats.  Jack kept telling me that he loves me, but he didn't want me to be his, "Little Fat Dog," whatever that is.  So, I didn't get any treats, even though I was looking cuter than ever.  Did I mention, that when we were on our way back from our morning walk, that a nice lady on Columbus Ave. mentioned how cute I was and wanted to know my name.  I mean really, I know I'm cute, but it never hurts to hear it.  And how could she not know the name of Sugar the Weather Dog?  Wait, I think I hear someone coming.  It could be Jack and I don't want to make him anymore suspicious about what I do in the middle of the night, so I'd best be going.  Woof.

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