Saturday, November 24, 2012

Woof, I thought Jack would catch me that last time I was blogging.  I have to be careful, because I think he is getting suspicious.  I have to watch where I leave that tell tale trail of white hair. He may not have caught on yet, but he will.  We had a nice walk to the bakery this AM,  Those humans of mine were walking way to slow for me.  You'd think they were worried about breaking their necks or something.  I am always eager to go to the bakery, because Mary usually buys Jack a cookie or doughnut, that he shares with me. But today, no cookie, no doughnut, and no sharing.  I wonder what I did to deserve that?  Anyways, we came back, I got my usual two biscuits each from Jack and Mary.  I always count to see that I get the allotted amount of biscuits.  I can't count high and I can't tell time, but I know two biscuits when I see em.  Then they left, for a while, I don't know how long, did I mention that I don't tell time too well, and when they got back, I got more biscuits and then dinner a little while later.  I almost conned Jack into feeding me again, after Mary had already fed me, he fell asleep in his office chair, but she let the cat out of the bag.  Did I really say that? So, just one dinner today.  I did get a big breakfast that had lettuce tofu, and a small piece of soy dog in it.  So, I guess that I shouldn't complain, but like I said, I am a dog, so my meals can be few and far between since I don't have any thumbs.  Did I mention that before?  So now, I'd best be on my way before Jack catches me.  A dog can't be too careful, now can she?  So until next time, woof.  That's like aloha.  It works whether you are coming or going.

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