Friday, November 23, 2012

Hey fellow canines. It's me, Sugar the Weather Dog.  I stole a few minutes at Jack's keyboard to write a few lines.  Like Mary always says, it's a lot harder when you don't have thumbs, but believe me, Jack has thumbs, and I've watched him using his keyboard, so I don't know if there really is anything to be gained from having thumbs, except for opening doors and things.  Anyways, I thought I'd tell you about how great Thanksgiving was from a dog's perspective.  Now I'm not sure what Thanksgiving is really all about, but here's what I know.  First, you get up late.  Not much new there. Then Mary works in the kitchen with a little help from Jack and makes some kind of small bread loaves which they had for breakfast, except of the three, Mary put two in the freezer, where she keeps my bones.  Maybe that means there will be some for me.  I got to sample them, and I liked that part of the day.  Then of course, the humans sit around, watch the magic box and finally, they feed me breakfast, but all I got was a little yogurt.  Mary kept saying that I had already had too much to eat and that I'd be getting more as the day went on.  Hey, I'm a dog, I can never get too much.  You never know when your next meal will be happening.  Okay, Jack and the vet say I've been getting too many calories lately, but what's a dog to do?  Next, you take a long walk, ditto on what's different. Then you come back and Mary gets to work using what looked like every spoon, pot, pan, and bowl in her kitchen.  She even let my pawferred human help.  Now you're probably thinking, so what.  Well, here's the good part about Thanksgiving.  The smells are awesome, and they let me sample almost everything.  I had egg and cheese, and beans, and some kind of loaf thing, but somewhere in there, Adam and Steph called so we had to stop to talk to them.  Anyway, they are in some place called Boston, so they didn't come.  From a dog's perspective, not bad, more for me.  So, finally the meal was in the oven, no more raw foods for me.  I think I heard the humans call it a mostly vegan meal, and I guess that is different, but I don't know for sure.  Finally, after what seemed like forever, remember, I can't tell time very well, they sat down to eat.  Of course, during the preparation Mary had to make her usual sounds that told me things were hitting the floor, more good for me.  So, they sat, ate, didn't give me any table scraps, and then each proclaimed that it was the best Thanksgiving ever.  I have to agree, it was my best for sure, whatever that Thanksgiving thing is.  I hope they do it more often, but somehow, I don't think so.  I think I heard them say it only comes once a year.  So, they sat around, remarked about how windy it was and then, it was time for dinner.  I think I got less, but as I've said, as a dog, I come up short on the counting thing.  So, that was Thanksgiving.  I'm tired again and Jack is probably about to come in, so I'd best be on my way.  A quick look out the Weather Window tells me that it is something Jack calls a gray day, cloudy, no sun shining in the beautiful Grand Haven sky, and from what I can tell, it is even more windy than it was yesterday during our walk.  So, I'll have to be brave and help my humans get through it.  So until next time, thanks Mary and Jack, I had the best Thanksgiving ever.  Food was great, the company was good, and best of all, I've got something to look forward to again.  All good.  Woof.

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