Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Woof.  Phew, Jack just came back to bed, so I should be safe here at the keyboard.  I don't think he has figured out who is using his keyboard, and as long as I am careful, I doubt that he ever will.  I just have to be careful to not leave any clues behind.  That can be tough at this time of year, because I tend to shed a bit, so I have to be extra careful.  Fortunately for me, as my pawferred human, Jack is kind of blind to my flaws, so I get away with a lot.  Still, he isn't very forthcoming with those treats these days.  He keeps saying something about my weight, but I feel just fine.  I did manage to push Mary to give me my dinner early, so I think I have her wrapped around my paw too.  I will have to get up in the AM to take Jack or Jack and Mary for a walk.  I doubt that they could find their way around GH without me.  Kind of like Jack always says in his blog, so much to do, so little time.  Sometimes, it feels like a dog's0 work is never done.  I like it and hate it when we come in from a walk.  Jack gets out the brush and that generally feels good.  But sometimes, I have to let him know that I want him to stop.  Fortunately, the walks and brushing are followed by my favorite thing, a treat of four biscuits.  It doesn't get any better than that, unless there is a banana involved.  So, I'd best be getting back to bed before Jack get's up again and catches me.  So until next time, Woof. 

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