Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Woof.  Well, it was just Jack and me today.  You'd think that when he goes to that place where the doctors hang, that Mary would walk me, but no, she was just too slow and Jack got back before she even thought about it.  Oh well, she doesn't really understand me the way Jack does.  So, let's talk about my day.   By the way, I got in two walks today, but Jack is still being stingy with those biscuits.  We went downtown, and then I left a present for the church people.  Jack picked most of it up, but I'll be darned if I know why.  One thing I do know, is that neither Jack nor Mary really gets the whole walk thing.  If I could, I'd just get a biscuit and then go back to bed, but I have a duty to perform.  If I didn't get them out for a walk everyday, they would never get out and then I'd feel bad if something went wrong health wise.  One thing is for sure, they never let me run across the street to meet the other members of my posse.  I mean, if they knew that all I wanted to do was say, "hey," they wouldn't be so restrictive.  But, that's life as a dog I guess.  You know, I think I understand them better than they understand me.  When Jack was feeling down that one day, I was there for him.  I get it, I do.  Still, I've got a pretty good thing going here.  I eat, I sleep, I go out, I sleep, I bark at the letter carrier or the UPS man, then I sleep.  If you think about it, the only thing that gets in the way of sleeping, is having to stop to eat, which is my favorite part of the day.  Being a dog is really all about sleeping, sniffing, and eating.  Of course, around here, it is hard to get all I want, because the food is kept in a sealed can and the refrigerator isn't open to me.  Once again, it's that thumb thing.  I do have one other important thing I do around here.  I have to let the humans know when there is a storm approaching.  That ain't easy, let me tell you.  Thunder sounds an awful lot like fireworks, which reminds me of big trucks, so if I am to keep my self and them safe, they have to listen to me.  Trouble is, we don't speak the same language.  Everything I say, comes out sounding whiny or like a bark.  I can't help it.  After all, I am a DOG!  Still I wouldn't trade either of my humans for any others, because they are the best.  Oops, I'd better go, I hear Jack coming.  Woof.

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