Thursday, November 29, 2012

Woof.  I thought Jack would never leave.  It get's harder and harder to get in some time at the keyboard.  Doesn't he ever sleep.  But, if that is his only fault, I think I can take it.  After all, he is my pawferred human.  We had a great time in Mary's kitchen yesterday.  Jack was doing something he almost never does, creating something from scratch.  Speaking of scratch, pardon me while I do.  Anyway, I was an invaluable assistant, something Mary calls being a sou chef, whatever that is.  It was my job to clean out the various bowls he used, and both varieties of squash and the various stages of the banana bread tasted great.  Jack wouldn't let me sample the salsa though, he said it wasn't good for me.  When it came time for dinner, I think I got shorted a little, but after all of the sampling earlier, I really didn't mind.  From a dog's point of view, being a sou chef is a great job!  When it was time for dinner, Mary had to go downtown to get some printing done, and I didn't get to go.  But, I got to stay with my pawferred human, so that was all good.  Anyways, I should get going before I get caught.  If Jack caught me, I doubt that he would really care, because, and did I mention this before, I've got him wrapped around my little paw.   Oh well, no sense taking chances.  Some secrets are best kept close.  So until next time, Woof.

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