Monday, December 31, 2012

Woof.  Hi, Sugar here.  I am just now getting to by blog, because I had to wait for Jack to get in the shower.  I think he knows about my "other life," but no sense in taking chances.  Besides, what he doesn't know, can't hurt him.

I am still not comfortable sleeping in my usual place.  I don't really know why.  Jack and Mary want to chalk it up to something abnormal, but the truth is, not even I can fully explain it, I just feel it. So, until something changes, I will continue to sleep where I please.

The last few days, I have gotten a lot of "Lap Time," in an effort to feel more comfortable.  I hear that I snore, but since I am asleep, I don't know and don't care.  It seems to amuse my humans, so I guess it is okay.

I was checking out Jack's blog earlier, and he mentioned something about spending time in the kitchen, one of my favorite places.  As you know, next to sleeping, I love cooking the best.  Well actually, I love eating more than cooking, but cooking leads to eating, so what's not to like.  I know that I will have to go out, and I do like that, but it looks windy out the Weather Window, so it may not be all that much fun.

So, I 'd best be on my way before Jack gets out of the shower and I get "caught."  So until next time, this is Sugar saying, Woof.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Woof.  Good afternoon GH.  Gosh, I am starting to sound like Jack.  I guess that isn't all bad.  Jack and I got back from our morning walk, and it was great being out in the snow.  Everything smells so fresh, and I do mean smells.

We walked downtown, where Jack tried to buy a newspaper, but the machine was jammed, as usual.  So, we walked over to our home street and got the newspaper there.  While we were on our way back, I stopped and did my business.  When we were out yesterday, the same car tried to run us over twice.  I guess when someone is in a hurry, they don't pay much attention to us walkers.

Right now, the outside temperature is cool, but nice as far as this weather dog is concerned.   The kids next door cleared the sidewalk in front of our house, so it was easier to walk.  Downtown, the snow melting system was working great.  The sun is shining, and the snow has stopped falling, at least for awhile.

I had a good breakfast of bread, and yogurt, and before that I got a special treat that was part of my Christmas present, I think.  If I could just remember what Christmas was all about, that would probably help, but at least I got good things then.  So now, it is time for more of my second favorite activity.  I should mention, that I am having problems staying in my bed at night, but I don't know why.  My humans tried moving my bed away from the window, like Steph suggested, and I tried sleeping in it, but I ended up back in the bathroom.  I dunno.

Otherwise, I doubt if I will be doing much before dinner.  Since my humans had a late breakfast, or an early lunch, I can't count on any fallout for this afternoon.  So, until next time, Woof.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Woof.  Jack and I just got back from our afternoon walk, and since he is outside, I think I'll take this opportunity to blog.  I just have to watch out that I don't shed all over the keyboard.  I don't know about the humans in my pack, but for me, the weather is just fine.  Not too hot, not too cold, but just like Goldilock's porridge, just right.  I am gong to sleep until dinnertime, because I am tired from having to escort Jack all over GH.

Mary made lunch today, right before Jack and I went for our afternoon walk.  She let me have some of my favorite veggies, green pepper and tomatoes.  I like them.  Go figure.  If it wasn't for me, they would create a lot more trash.  I have a duty to keep the trash level down around here, and believe me, I take that duty seriously.  We got a card from my doctor the other day.  She says I need to make an appointment for my next series of shots.   I don't much like shots, but they help me to stay healthy.  So, I know that Jack and I will be walking over to the doctor after the New Year's Day festivities, one of my favorite days, I think.  So, until I have another chance to blog, Woof.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Woof.  Hi, Sugar the Weather Dog/Sous Chef here.  Although I don't really understand why, I am having difficulty sleeping in my bed.  Maybe it has something to do with a noise that scared me.  I don't know.  But this is my chance to do my blog while Jack is still sleeping.  In my capacity as the official Weather Dog here, the view out the weather window is still dark.  Currently the temperature on the desktop, is 26°.  That always seems very important to Jack.  Me, I plan to go back to bed.  But, I had a few things to bark about.  I had a great day yesterday.  First, we all got up, went downstairs, and opened presents from under the Christmas tree.  I still don't really understand what Christmas is, but I got a really neat gift, so that's all good.  I got something that every dog wishes they did, a box with dog biscuits.  These were the kind of dog biscuits that you only at the gourmet dog store.  Boy, you talk about being a lucky dog.  I also got a broken candy cane at the same time.  Jack got the coolest John Wayne ornament for the tree.  Mary, got these really neat bowls for cooking.  She didn't use them until after they watched their morning movie, The American President, one of their favorites.  Before, the movie, Mary, chopped some veggies, which they both carried upstairs.  Of course I was there to help.  My efforts were rewarded.  I got some celery, carrot, and something else but I don't remember what it was.  Then, they watched the movie.  Then, it was time to make lunch.  I helped then too.  It doesn't get much better than that.  Mary made something called Shepherd's Pie.  I got more veggies then too.  I didn't much like the spinach.  But, I did like the sample I got when she made biscuits.  It all smelled very nice.  Then, they ate lunch, and we sat around for a while.  Finally, it was time for their next favorite movie, Love Actually.  That movie always makes Mary cry.  I don't understand it really, but I do empathize.  After all, I am a dog.  Anyway, soon it was time for my dinner.  I don't think I got as much, but I really didn't need it.  Now it's time for bed again.  So, for now, I'll say woof.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Woof.  Hi, Sugar the Weather Dog again.  Jack is sleeping in this morning, so I thought, what the hey, I'll get in a short blog on Christmas day.  I am not certain what Christmas day actually is, but I think it has something to do with food.  Just a guess, but Mary seemed intent on having her kitchen ready for today, so I am just guessing that it has something to do with my favorite activity. I do know that it has to do with a tree, dogs like trees, some extra mail from Dave, and a sense that the world is ready for new things in some way.

Yesterday, we went for a couple of walks, and that was good by me.  Have I mentioned that I mostly like walking?  Except when the wind is blowing too hard, and then it isn't as much fun.  I got to smell new things and places, leave a few messages, and in general enjoy GH in all its glory.  Mary and Jack stopped off at the local deli, that's a place where they make sandwiches and things, and they picked up something.  I thought it must be for me, because Mary put it into her pocket, where all my treats seem to go.  But no, she had to tell me several times that it wasn't for me.  I wonder what it is.  I guess I'll look extra cute today, and that may convince Jack to give me some.  He is a soft touch when it comes to me.  Have I mentioned that before?  I just have this dog sense that it is going to be a good day.  I hope that I am right.

One thing is for sure, I'll get in more walking, more eating, and more napping.  How can it get any better than that?  I have a special wish for all the members of my posse.  I hope that you all get good homes this year.  I got mine a few years ago, and I protect my humans as best I can.  Like I think I said before, I don't know how they got anywhere before I found them.  So, until I have more to bark about, Woof.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Woof. Hi, Sugar the Weather Dog here.  Jack was reading the paper, but then he had to go upstairs to help Mary with the printer.  So, opportunistic dog that I am, I decided I could get to his keyboard and add to my blog.  He thinks I'm still sleeping, but I'm really adding to my blog.  In my job as assistant weather forecaster, when I look out the Weather Window, I see gray.  Currently, the temperature outside is 34°.

My humans weren't listening this morning, and so I got sick on the rug next to the bed.  But, Jack wasn't mad, he just cleaned it up.  After that, I felt fine, and I was ready to eat.  Like most dogs, I'm usually ready-to-eat.  So they had banana bread for breakfast, and I had a banana, yogurt, and bread myself.  After that, we all walked to the library, and dropped off some books.  Then we went to Washington Street, where we bought a newspaper, and finally headed home.  A good morning.  I think.  Then, it was time for the humans to have lunch.  They had left overs, and Mary nicely spilled some on the floor just for me.  From a dog's point of view, it doesn't get any better than that, unless it's a chance to nap some more.  But, before I could get down to the business of napping, Jack and I walked to the bookstore and got the local paper.   Soon, it will be time for dinner, I hope.

Well, that's about all for now.  So until next time, I'll just say, Woof.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Woof.  Jack woke me when he came to bed, so I decided that turnabout was fair play, and so here I am at his keyboard.  He hasn't caught on yet, so I'll just keep up this blogging thing.  I had a great morning.  Jack took me for a long walk downtown, while Mary did something else.  I like Mary, but I really like walking with my pawferrred human, Jack.  We explored places I had not been recently, and the aromas were intoxicating.  We didn't go in anywhere today, but that was okay.  For breakfast, I got the leftover eggs from the French toast and some bread too.  That is one of Mary's great traits, sharing the eggs with me.  Jack topped it off with some yogurt, so it was all good.  There was the usual delay caused by that Chris guy, but I have come to accept that.  It sure was a lot nicer out this morning.  Very little wind, and so walking was great fun.  What more could a dog ask?  I didn't get a second walk today, but since I didn't go out until after 10:00 AM, it wasn't necessary.  But, I hope this doesn't become the norm.  I'll wait and see.  This afternoon, Jack and Mary went out somewhere, but that gave me more time for my second favorite thing.  So, before I get caught, I'll sign off and say woof.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Woof. Holy cow, Jack just took me out, and it was raining, I got wet. However, that's the price we pay for living here in Michigan. We walked by the barbershop, and the barber was cutting one man's hair, while another man waited. I know Jack wants to get his hair cut, but he doesn't like getting wet either. So, we don't know whether he'll get that done today or not. For a dog who doesn't like water, rain is about the worst thing that can happen. So I got my duty done quickly. Right now it's just over 32°, that's Fahrenheit, which means if this rain changes to snow, it will be a big mess. Me, I plan to spend the rest of my day in my bed, stopping only long enough to have a meal. I think Jack probably needs to go out again at some point do other things, but but I don't think he really wants to go. Maybe the answer is more simple than that, it would be for me. I just wouldn't go. So, that usually means I don't get an afternoon walk, but that's okay with me today.

I know Jack has been talking to himself a lot lately, while he's working on his computer. It's probably that new Dragon software he's working with. Unfortunately for me, along with not having thumbs, I don't have a voice either, at least a voice that a computer can understand. So, I have to use my paws, and as you know, for me, that's hard. So, I'll continue to muddle along just using my paws as they are. So, until I can sneak in some more time here at the keyboard, I'll take my time and go back to bed for a while. So, until next time, Woof.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Woof.  Wow, it is still dark out.  But, I have these finely honed skills for predicting rough weather, so I am pretty certain that there is nothing on the horizon for at least two days.  I'll check with Jack later to be sure.  He is pretty good at that future stuff.  I had a good day yesterday,  I thought I was going to be cheated out of my second walk, but Jack found a burst of energy somewhere.  I like to think that it was my sad eyes that won the day.  Anyways. once he got his pads on and then his fur coat, we were off to the big city.  First, we stopped at the post office where Jack dropped off some cards he had been writing.  A nice lady there noted that I seemed to be part Corgi, which Jack quickly confirmed, but he added the other half of my heritage, Beagle, by way of information.  The nice lady there thought I was cute. Surprise!  Then, much to my disappointment, we passed right by my favorite bank and crossed over to the other side of the street.  Met a few other members of my posse along the way, but Jack wouldn't let me stop and say woof.  I don't know why.  We passed the news agency, where these really big members of the local posse seem to live.  One is quiet, but the other sets up a howl when we pass by.  I think they are some kind of hunting dog, but why they hunt in a store, I don't know.  So, we continued down the street and right past my other favorite place in town, the store that sells gourmet dog treats.  We finally stopped at the store where Mary goes to get her printing done to drop off her stick thing for more printing.  I don't know why it is called a stick, because it doesn't look at all like a stick  Anyways, I am always welcome there.  But, like that singer/songwriter says, the music wouldn't play there either.  Nice guy behind the counter, but no treats for Sugar.  There was a nice lady there who also thought I was cute.  Once again, surprise.  So, now it was time to head back to home, and me without a treat.  Surprise, Jack stopped in at the gourmet treat store and bought me a squirrel.  Well, it looked like a squirrel, but it was sure delicious.  It took a few blocks to get it all from Jack, but I did it.  Even when it was gone, I wasn't convinced he didn't have more.  So, back through Central Park, a few more stops for messages, and we were home, where surprise, I got another treat, as required.  By then, I was ready for a nap.  Did I mention that I really like to sleep?  So, that was my day on Tuesday.  So until next time.  Woof.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Woof.  Just a short blog this morning.  I just got my e-birthday card from my doctor, and I think it is pawtastic.  It stars a Welsh Corgi, one of my ancestors, and of course, the card looks great; no surprise there.  Any card that stars one of my breed mixes has got to be great.  If you get a chance, check out the e-cards site @  I sense a bunch of e-cards in my future.  If you want to see the latest picture of yours truly and Jack, check out Mary's blog @  Jack and I star in the first picture on her site.  Jack was baking yesterday afternoon. I didn't get much, because he made cookies with raisins in them, and as you may know, raisins, which come from grapes, are not good for dogs.  Still, I got some, which given my sweet tooth, I thought tasted great.  Of course, I may be a little biased, since Jack is my pawferred human.  Otherwise, Jack was dusting and like most dogs, things that have to do with cleaning scare me.  So, I spent some time under Mary's desk.  I hope he doesn't get out that vacuum thing, cause that really frightens me.  So, I think I'll go back to bed now. I need to get my beauty rest.  Woof.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Woof.  It is I, Sugar the intrepid Weather Dog.  I have been busy helping in the kitchen.  For me, next to eating and sleeping, kitchen duty is my favorite thing.  Jack has been in his office a lot lately  using those highlighter things, so it wasn't easy to sneak in here and get out a blog.  A dog's work is never done.  Jack and I had a good walk this morning, and then I came in and got my usual two biscuits from both of my humans.  I know that they are breaking them in half to fool me, but if that is the price I have to pay to get them, so be it.  As my pawferred human, Jack treated me to some pretzels later in the evening, so I, of course, just had to eat them to keep him happy.  Like I said, it is a tough job, but some dog has to do it.  Funny thing, I was sitting in Jack's lap earlier, and another dog walked by.  I just had to growl and run to the door to protect my humans.  Like I said, a tough job, but some dog has to do it, and as the official guard dog on duty here, the task fell to me.  Otherwise, I spent my day sleeping, eating the leftover beaten eggs from breakfast, and that delicious squash stuff.  I finished the last of my pills this morning, so I hope I am done with those.  However, I will miss those two a day peanut butter dabs they use to get me to take the pills.  I don't like the taste of the pills, but if I can get some peanut butter from them by being picky, I will.  So, until next time, woof.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Woof.  Wow, I thought that I'd never get back.  I just returned from a stay at camp, where I did have a good time, but the truth is, when Jack arrived to pick me up, I was sooooo excited.  You do remember that he is my pawferred human, right?  Anyways, I met some great new friends there. We ran, we barked, we ate and we also slept, which if you recall, next to eating, is a dog's favorite thing to do.  Still, I was glad to get back.  When I got here, Mary was working at her computer and can you believe it, my upstairs bed was missing.  But, and here's the good part, Mary soon brought it upstairs and after the two of them worked at their desks, and played at the computer, finally, they were done.  When I came back, my bed was there, all clean.  It didn't smell like me anymore, but it was so soft.   I think I like it.  So, after a while, they fed me dinner, after I was forced to go out, and then they went out.  I put on my best sad face, but they went anyways.  Of course, don't tell them, but that gave me a chance to do more of a dog's second favorite thing.  I still have no thumbs, that ain't never gonna change, but since I have two of the most perfect humans on the planet, that sounds familiar somehow, I get to take them for regular walks, and in return they feed me and give me the occasional bone, though not often enough I might add, and they take me to the doctor when I don't feel well.  It really can't get much better than this.  I heard that they went to visit the alternate pack members, whom I like a lot, well, I like Steph a bit more, cause she takes me for runs in the morning, and they had a good time.  Oh, since I do have duties as the local Weather Dog, I can tell you that it is dark outside the Weather Window, and the current temperature on the desktop is 43 degrees.  I don't want to steal Jack's thunder, well I wouldn't want to ever steal any thunder, cause that stuff scares me, did I mention that before?   So, I'll just let him comment on the weather on his blog with my input, of course. Well. time for more sleep, before Jack gets up and finds me here.  So until next time.  Woof.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Woof.  Hi, Sugar the intrepid Weather Dog here.  I am also an assistant sous chef, or so Jack says. I had a great day in the kitchen yesterday.  Jack was cooking while Mary worked on her indexing project, and that left Jack and I to our own devices.  I'll tell you and Jack a little secret.  I don't like raw kale, but I absolutely love raw squash.  I could have told him that I would, but it was something that he had to learn.  Right now, the view out the Weather Window is dark, surprise there.  Mary and Jack were worried about the snow, but from my low perspective, there was nothing to worry about.  I just checked, and there was not much going on outside.  Jack just came back to bed, so that gave me a chance to get to the keyboard.  As you may remember, I don't type all that fast, because I don't have any thumbs.  Such is my lot in life.  But, I make up for my lack of thumbs by being the cutest dog on the planet.  Jack tells me that all the time, so I guess that that is all good.  I help where I can and if being cute is a help, then I am all over it.  Plus, and I know this for a fact, that Jack gets great joy in my presence.  Yesterday, he was on a laughing jag, caused by my just being, so I'll take credit where I can.  If it helps Jack feel good, than I am there for him.  Both of my humans went out yesterday after we finished in the kitchen.  They probably think that I missed my second walk, but the first was a-okay, and once I felt that snow shower hitting my fur when we were done cooking, I was okay with losing the second walk.  Yes, I can count up to two. Mary and Jack figured that out with the biscuits, but I'll keep pretending that that is all I know.  Better to keep the humans in the dark sometimes.  So. I am getting tired again.  I think I'll sign off and go get my beauty sleep. It can be so warm in my bed and best of all, Jack likes it when I'm there for him.  So until next time, Woof.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Woof.  It sure can be hard to blog when Jack never goes to bed.  Mary went to sleep hours ago, but Jack seems to be on that kick of his again.  Still, I can't complain, I mean how many dogs get to  blog anyway?  Currently, the view out Jack's Weather Window is, well surprise, it is dark.  Jack thinks he is fooling me when he gives me those dollops of peanut butter twice each day, but I know that there are pills in there.  Still, if that is the price I have to pay for peanut butter treats, then so be it.  I think I am one lucky dog, to have a human who cares so much that he walks over to the veterinarian with me to get my ears checked. Then he gets pills to help me get better when I have an ear infection.  I know he says it costs a lot to go to the veterinarian,  and I really don't know what that is.  I think he is lucky too, since we both benefit from my being in his life.  We had a good walk this morning.  I led Mary and Jack over to the bank where I got a treat from the really nice people there.  It doesn't get much better than that.  I have to make sure they Mary and Jack know how to get to and from the bank, so I think that a treat is a cheap price for them to pay, don't you?  I honestly don't know how they got anywhere before I came along.  When we got home, Jack and Mary went out to those big stores while I slept.  A nice trade off I say.  Anyways, I best be going before I get caught.  So until next time, Woof.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Woof.  Well, I made it.  Jack still hasn't caught on.  I am once again here at the keyboard to give you my unique brand of wisdom.  Jack and I had a great walk yesterday morning.  We got downtown, and then some.  I got fed early yesterday, something that a dog like me, well any dog, likes to get.  But, and this is a big but, that was after Mary and Jack went out for a day on the town.  Still, they did come back and then all was right with the world.  After our morning walk, Jack put that stuff on me to protect me from fleas and ticks, a good thing, I guess.  And, this is the good part, I got that special treat that I only get after the flea and tick stuff.  I wish I could have those treats all the time.  Funny, Jack seems to think that the treat is some kind of medicine too, but for me it is just a great treat.  Jack said something about going back to the veterinarian this morning.  I have been shaking my ears again, so maybe he's right.  Still, I have to be on my best behavior, since there is the possibility of going to the "Bone Zone" later today.  Jack says it depends on the weather, and as the official Weather Dog around here, I think that the day will be perfect for a bit of a chew.  Just saying.  So, until the morning is here, I'll go back to sleep.  I should mention that I have to sleep in the middle of the floor when Jack is in the bedroom and Mary is watching some old movie on TV in the media room.  It can be hard being both a weather dog and a guardian at the same time.  So, until the nest blog, Woof.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Woof.  It is amazing what you can get done while a shower is in progress.  Jack went off to shower, and it was still pretty early, so I'll be going back to bed. but the truth is, I'm getting better at covering my tracks, pun intended.  Like Jack often says, the view out the Weather Window is, dark.  So, not much to report there.  Personally, I hope that this is a slow kind of day.  I got locked out of Jack's office one day and it was very upsetting to me.  I mean how can I take care of both he and Mary if I don't have access.  I hear him playing that guitar of his and singing, and while he isn't always on key, to a dog the music is very comforting.  But, I think he does it to not disturb Mary, why I don't know, because it never bothers me.  The only thing that bothered me was when Mary and Jack were yelling at the TV before that election thing.  Something about a guy called broncobama and the mittbot, but I didn't really get it.  They still yell at the TV sometimes and when they do, I just go to my bed, aah bed, a dog's heaven.  Did I mention that before?  The only thing better than sleeping is eating dinner and getting treats and things.  Did I mention that before too?But, as I may have mentioned before, I'm not getting those so much these days due to that diet thing.  Remember, no thumbs.  Anyways, I'm tired after all this blogging, so Woof, back to bed for me.