Sunday, December 9, 2012

Woof.  Hi, Sugar the intrepid Weather Dog here.  I am also an assistant sous chef, or so Jack says. I had a great day in the kitchen yesterday.  Jack was cooking while Mary worked on her indexing project, and that left Jack and I to our own devices.  I'll tell you and Jack a little secret.  I don't like raw kale, but I absolutely love raw squash.  I could have told him that I would, but it was something that he had to learn.  Right now, the view out the Weather Window is dark, surprise there.  Mary and Jack were worried about the snow, but from my low perspective, there was nothing to worry about.  I just checked, and there was not much going on outside.  Jack just came back to bed, so that gave me a chance to get to the keyboard.  As you may remember, I don't type all that fast, because I don't have any thumbs.  Such is my lot in life.  But, I make up for my lack of thumbs by being the cutest dog on the planet.  Jack tells me that all the time, so I guess that that is all good.  I help where I can and if being cute is a help, then I am all over it.  Plus, and I know this for a fact, that Jack gets great joy in my presence.  Yesterday, he was on a laughing jag, caused by my just being, so I'll take credit where I can.  If it helps Jack feel good, than I am there for him.  Both of my humans went out yesterday after we finished in the kitchen.  They probably think that I missed my second walk, but the first was a-okay, and once I felt that snow shower hitting my fur when we were done cooking, I was okay with losing the second walk.  Yes, I can count up to two. Mary and Jack figured that out with the biscuits, but I'll keep pretending that that is all I know.  Better to keep the humans in the dark sometimes.  So. I am getting tired again.  I think I'll sign off and go get my beauty sleep. It can be so warm in my bed and best of all, Jack likes it when I'm there for him.  So until next time, Woof.

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