Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Woof.  Hi, Sugar the Weather Dog again.  Jack is sleeping in this morning, so I thought, what the hey, I'll get in a short blog on Christmas day.  I am not certain what Christmas day actually is, but I think it has something to do with food.  Just a guess, but Mary seemed intent on having her kitchen ready for today, so I am just guessing that it has something to do with my favorite activity. I do know that it has to do with a tree, dogs like trees, some extra mail from Dave, and a sense that the world is ready for new things in some way.

Yesterday, we went for a couple of walks, and that was good by me.  Have I mentioned that I mostly like walking?  Except when the wind is blowing too hard, and then it isn't as much fun.  I got to smell new things and places, leave a few messages, and in general enjoy GH in all its glory.  Mary and Jack stopped off at the local deli, that's a place where they make sandwiches and things, and they picked up something.  I thought it must be for me, because Mary put it into her pocket, where all my treats seem to go.  But no, she had to tell me several times that it wasn't for me.  I wonder what it is.  I guess I'll look extra cute today, and that may convince Jack to give me some.  He is a soft touch when it comes to me.  Have I mentioned that before?  I just have this dog sense that it is going to be a good day.  I hope that I am right.

One thing is for sure, I'll get in more walking, more eating, and more napping.  How can it get any better than that?  I have a special wish for all the members of my posse.  I hope that you all get good homes this year.  I got mine a few years ago, and I protect my humans as best I can.  Like I think I said before, I don't know how they got anywhere before I found them.  So, until I have more to bark about, Woof.

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