Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Woof.  Hi, Sugar the Weather Dog/Sous Chef here.  Although I don't really understand why, I am having difficulty sleeping in my bed.  Maybe it has something to do with a noise that scared me.  I don't know.  But this is my chance to do my blog while Jack is still sleeping.  In my capacity as the official Weather Dog here, the view out the weather window is still dark.  Currently the temperature on the desktop, is 26°.  That always seems very important to Jack.  Me, I plan to go back to bed.  But, I had a few things to bark about.  I had a great day yesterday.  First, we all got up, went downstairs, and opened presents from under the Christmas tree.  I still don't really understand what Christmas is, but I got a really neat gift, so that's all good.  I got something that every dog wishes they did, a box with dog biscuits.  These were the kind of dog biscuits that you only at the gourmet dog store.  Boy, you talk about being a lucky dog.  I also got a broken candy cane at the same time.  Jack got the coolest John Wayne ornament for the tree.  Mary, got these really neat bowls for cooking.  She didn't use them until after they watched their morning movie, The American President, one of their favorites.  Before, the movie, Mary, chopped some veggies, which they both carried upstairs.  Of course I was there to help.  My efforts were rewarded.  I got some celery, carrot, and something else but I don't remember what it was.  Then, they watched the movie.  Then, it was time to make lunch.  I helped then too.  It doesn't get much better than that.  Mary made something called Shepherd's Pie.  I got more veggies then too.  I didn't much like the spinach.  But, I did like the sample I got when she made biscuits.  It all smelled very nice.  Then, they ate lunch, and we sat around for a while.  Finally, it was time for their next favorite movie, Love Actually.  That movie always makes Mary cry.  I don't understand it really, but I do empathize.  After all, I am a dog.  Anyway, soon it was time for my dinner.  I don't think I got as much, but I really didn't need it.  Now it's time for bed again.  So, for now, I'll say woof.

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