Sunday, December 16, 2012

Woof.  It is I, Sugar the intrepid Weather Dog.  I have been busy helping in the kitchen.  For me, next to eating and sleeping, kitchen duty is my favorite thing.  Jack has been in his office a lot lately  using those highlighter things, so it wasn't easy to sneak in here and get out a blog.  A dog's work is never done.  Jack and I had a good walk this morning, and then I came in and got my usual two biscuits from both of my humans.  I know that they are breaking them in half to fool me, but if that is the price I have to pay to get them, so be it.  As my pawferred human, Jack treated me to some pretzels later in the evening, so I, of course, just had to eat them to keep him happy.  Like I said, it is a tough job, but some dog has to do it.  Funny thing, I was sitting in Jack's lap earlier, and another dog walked by.  I just had to growl and run to the door to protect my humans.  Like I said, a tough job, but some dog has to do it, and as the official guard dog on duty here, the task fell to me.  Otherwise, I spent my day sleeping, eating the leftover beaten eggs from breakfast, and that delicious squash stuff.  I finished the last of my pills this morning, so I hope I am done with those.  However, I will miss those two a day peanut butter dabs they use to get me to take the pills.  I don't like the taste of the pills, but if I can get some peanut butter from them by being picky, I will.  So, until next time, woof.

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