Saturday, December 22, 2012

Woof.  Jack woke me when he came to bed, so I decided that turnabout was fair play, and so here I am at his keyboard.  He hasn't caught on yet, so I'll just keep up this blogging thing.  I had a great morning.  Jack took me for a long walk downtown, while Mary did something else.  I like Mary, but I really like walking with my pawferrred human, Jack.  We explored places I had not been recently, and the aromas were intoxicating.  We didn't go in anywhere today, but that was okay.  For breakfast, I got the leftover eggs from the French toast and some bread too.  That is one of Mary's great traits, sharing the eggs with me.  Jack topped it off with some yogurt, so it was all good.  There was the usual delay caused by that Chris guy, but I have come to accept that.  It sure was a lot nicer out this morning.  Very little wind, and so walking was great fun.  What more could a dog ask?  I didn't get a second walk today, but since I didn't go out until after 10:00 AM, it wasn't necessary.  But, I hope this doesn't become the norm.  I'll wait and see.  This afternoon, Jack and Mary went out somewhere, but that gave me more time for my second favorite thing.  So, before I get caught, I'll sign off and say woof.

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