Saturday, December 1, 2012

Woof.  It is amazing what you can get done while a shower is in progress.  Jack went off to shower, and it was still pretty early, so I'll be going back to bed. but the truth is, I'm getting better at covering my tracks, pun intended.  Like Jack often says, the view out the Weather Window is, dark.  So, not much to report there.  Personally, I hope that this is a slow kind of day.  I got locked out of Jack's office one day and it was very upsetting to me.  I mean how can I take care of both he and Mary if I don't have access.  I hear him playing that guitar of his and singing, and while he isn't always on key, to a dog the music is very comforting.  But, I think he does it to not disturb Mary, why I don't know, because it never bothers me.  The only thing that bothered me was when Mary and Jack were yelling at the TV before that election thing.  Something about a guy called broncobama and the mittbot, but I didn't really get it.  They still yell at the TV sometimes and when they do, I just go to my bed, aah bed, a dog's heaven.  Did I mention that before?  The only thing better than sleeping is eating dinner and getting treats and things.  Did I mention that before too?But, as I may have mentioned before, I'm not getting those so much these days due to that diet thing.  Remember, no thumbs.  Anyways, I'm tired after all this blogging, so Woof, back to bed for me.

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