Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Woof.  Wow, it is still dark out.  But, I have these finely honed skills for predicting rough weather, so I am pretty certain that there is nothing on the horizon for at least two days.  I'll check with Jack later to be sure.  He is pretty good at that future stuff.  I had a good day yesterday,  I thought I was going to be cheated out of my second walk, but Jack found a burst of energy somewhere.  I like to think that it was my sad eyes that won the day.  Anyways. once he got his pads on and then his fur coat, we were off to the big city.  First, we stopped at the post office where Jack dropped off some cards he had been writing.  A nice lady there noted that I seemed to be part Corgi, which Jack quickly confirmed, but he added the other half of my heritage, Beagle, by way of information.  The nice lady there thought I was cute. Surprise!  Then, much to my disappointment, we passed right by my favorite bank and crossed over to the other side of the street.  Met a few other members of my posse along the way, but Jack wouldn't let me stop and say woof.  I don't know why.  We passed the news agency, where these really big members of the local posse seem to live.  One is quiet, but the other sets up a howl when we pass by.  I think they are some kind of hunting dog, but why they hunt in a store, I don't know.  So, we continued down the street and right past my other favorite place in town, the store that sells gourmet dog treats.  We finally stopped at the store where Mary goes to get her printing done to drop off her stick thing for more printing.  I don't know why it is called a stick, because it doesn't look at all like a stick  Anyways, I am always welcome there.  But, like that singer/songwriter says, the music wouldn't play there either.  Nice guy behind the counter, but no treats for Sugar.  There was a nice lady there who also thought I was cute.  Once again, surprise.  So, now it was time to head back to home, and me without a treat.  Surprise, Jack stopped in at the gourmet treat store and bought me a squirrel.  Well, it looked like a squirrel, but it was sure delicious.  It took a few blocks to get it all from Jack, but I did it.  Even when it was gone, I wasn't convinced he didn't have more.  So, back through Central Park, a few more stops for messages, and we were home, where surprise, I got another treat, as required.  By then, I was ready for a nap.  Did I mention that I really like to sleep?  So, that was my day on Tuesday.  So until next time.  Woof.

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